SAP Basis AL08 System-wide list of user sessions - SAP Stuff

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AL08 System-wide list of user sessions
Determine bottlenecks
To configure the SAL, please use transaction RSAU_CONFIG (formerly SM19) as of SAP Release 7.50. It is recommended to activate the cross-user logging with minimum settings and to record all audit classes for users with extensive authorizations, such as SAP standard and emergency users. These settings should always be configured on a cross-client basis.

The SAP basis requires a separation layer to upstream and downstream IT departments, which is clearly defined. In the direction of the infrastructure, for example, this can be the upper edge of the operating system. This distinction must also be drawn in the direction of application development. Here there are various services offered today by the SAP basis, which are more closely related to application, such as control of background processing, transport or also the automation of certain activities. In principle, it is necessary to examine which tasks can continue to be carried out in the SAP basis due to the requirements and which can be given in expert units.
Backup concepts
An understandable and comprehensible strategy enables the SAP basis to derive it as easily as possible to practice and to the resulting requirements and activities. The main task of the SAP basis is to support new business models by implementing the strategy and to show how much technical and financial effort and benefit is generated. It is also the task of the SAP basis to identify the skills and resources necessary for them and to ensure their existence at an early stage.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes many tasks in the area of the SAP basis much easier.

Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page "" you will find useful information on this topic.

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