Application layer
Employee entries and exits
First you have to create an area menu in the area menu maintenance with the transaction code SE43 or SE43N. Then add the created menu to the SAP standard menu S000.
Ten years ago, SAP HANA was little more than a promise that made SAP CEO Hasso Plattner's eyes light up. It's hard to imagine that all SAP customers will have completely replaced their Oracle and Microsoft databases in just ten years.
In the SAP Basis area, it is necessary to make temporary changes to the security settings of clients and systems in the course of system updates. You can use the system changeability variable to specify whether changeability of cross-client data, such as programs or menus, and cross-client customizing is allowed.
Some missing SAP basic functions in the standard are supplied by the PC application "Shortcut for SAP Systems".
Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on "".
Afterwards, when creating new users, it is no longer possible to assign user names that are only composed of variants of spaces or other invisible special characters.