Configuration as well as maintenance, upgrades and backup & recovery
SM37C Advanced job selection
PROJECT HISTORIES: THE SAP basis OF TOMORROW An entry in the Forum Infrastructure and Operations within the DSAGNet drew attention to the problem of the SAP basis as described above. This led to a lively discussion, which attracted a lot of interest from the members of the DSAM. Building on the interest and need for action of the member companies, a project was initiated by the DSAG as well as by the SAP, which should deal with the future of the SAP basis. Several companies were invited to participate and their willingness to participate actively was questioned in a DSAG survey. The first project meeting took place within the framework of the DSAG Annual Congress in Bremen in 2015. As a result, regular events took place at the SAP office in Freiberg am Neckar and St Leon-Rot, with the participation of up to 15 companies. In the project "the SAP basis of Tomorrow", current questions of the companies as well as the question of the SAP basis of the future were discussed and worked out with regard to the IT landscape, processes and organisational structure. A master's thesis was initiated to document and prepare the results as well as to examine the topic in scientific terms in parallel with the project. This was made at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt as part of the Master's programme in Information Systems with Prof. Dr. Karl Liebschnitel and submitted for evaluation at the end of March 2016.
It is essential to define the role to be played within the company. STEP 4: DETERMINATION OF THE TARGET GROUP In this step, the target group of the service is defined and described in detail, e.g. by means of a letter. It will also discuss future target groups which may be of interest in the future. By defining a target group within a company, the SAP basis decides for whom the services and IT products should be delivered. It also makes sense to identify and describe future target groups (e.g. specialist areas) within the framework of a transformation of the SAP basis. STEP 5: POSITIONING This step will position the service on the market and also position the competitors in the relevant segment.
The SAP basis requires a separation layer to upstream and downstream IT departments, which is clearly defined. In the direction of the infrastructure, for example, this can be the upper edge of the operating system. This distinction must also be drawn in the direction of application development. Here there are various services offered today by the SAP basis, which are more closely related to application, such as control of background processing, transport or also the automation of certain activities. In principle, it is necessary to examine which tasks can continue to be carried out in the SAP basis due to the requirements and which can be given in expert units.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.
Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page "" you will find useful information on this topic.
Standardised SAP scripts are welcome here.