Database management
SAP Basis is responsible for the smooth operation of programs in the SAP system. It acts like an operating system for R/3 and subsequent releases including S/4HANA. Every operating system provides an environment in which programs can run, such as MS Office on Microsoft Windows. In the same way, the SAP Basis system with the NetWeaver and HANA platforms provides an environment in which SAP programs can run. In this context, the NetWeaver platform itself relies on server operating systems such as Windows and Linux.
There is an RFC error. CANNOT_ADD_PATCH_TO_BUFFER: A support package could not be included in the transport buffer. For more information, see the log file in the /usr/sap/trans/log (UNIX) directory. CANNOT_MODIFY_BUFFER: An attempt was made to modify the transport buffer without success. TEST_IMPORT This step checks whether there are still objects in unshared tasks that are overwritten during the commit. The log of the test import shows the cause of the error. For more information, see Note 42379. IMPORT_OBJECT_LIST In this step, the object lists for the support packages in the queue are fed into the system.
System Updates
The SAP Patch Manager offers two scenarios for inserting support packages or queues: Test Scenario Use the test scenario to determine whether conflicts or problems occur (e.g., unreleased repairs) or whether a modification match is necessary before the actual insertion. This scenario allows you to estimate and minimise the time and effort required to load support packages. In this scenario, no data is imported into the system, and you can continue to play in the event of an error without the error being corrected. You must select the test scenario explicitly. Note that once the test scenario has passed, the queue is empty and needs to be redefined. You must also explicitly choose the default scenario.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.
Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page "" you will find useful information on this topic.
In all these areas, they take care of the smooth functioning and development, thus helping the company to make internal processes more efficient and consequently save costs and resources.