SPAM Support Package Manager
The database layer
In order to ensure the necessary expertise both in the direction of application and application-related IT departments as well as in the direction of infrastructure units, the SAP basis should be divided into an infrastructure-related SAP basis and an application-orientated SAP basis. The infrastructure-based SAP basis acts as a contact level and point of contact for IT departments such as virtualisation, storage management and databases. The application-orientated SAP basis serves as the contact and coordination level for application-related topics. BUILDING OVERARCHING EXPERT TEAMS WITH SAP basis INVOLVEMENT To reduce organisational friction points as well as to optimally handle selected topics, it is recommended to set up expert teams with the participation of the SAP basis. These teams of experts can be virtually organised and therefore of temporary duration and consist of participants from all relevant IT disciplines or business areas. If the topic of the virtual group of experts is the focus of the SAP basis, the SAP basis will take over the management and control of the expert team.
In practice, it is quite possible that the target specifications defined in the security concept do not match the current actual status. Therefore, especially with regard to SAP security, it must always be checked whether the necessary SAP basic settings also correspond to the minimum level. Although a manual check is possible, it is very time-consuming because the necessary regularizations have to be read, interpreted and technically implemented. The Security Architect - part of the Xiting Authorizations Management Suite (XAMS) software solution developed by Xiting - offers you the possibility to precisely examine the current status of the SAP Basis settings with the help of the integrated check mode, whereby it is also possible to check several systems via RFC, starting from a central system. The scope of the check of system settings and system security includes not only the SAP Basis settings presented here, but also other SAP Basis settings. The scope of the check mode can be extended by self-defined check IDs.
All of the above tasks have been part of SAP Basis Administration for decades. However, SAP software has changed a lot since the introduction of HANA in 2010, and with that, the SAP system administrator's job has changed as well. Here are some of the key differences:
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.
The website "" offers many useful information about SAP basis.
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