What should an SAP administrator be able to do?
STMS_QA Approval or rejection of requests
A simpler option is to output the transactions used by the expert as a list and to obtain an overview of the task areas. The function block SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES is very suitable for exporting the used transactions in a list. As an alternative, one can directly use the workload monitor in the transaction code ST03N.
In the case of distributed or local SAP systems, it can also be helpful if departments or decentralized IT units can schedule their own jobs themselves. It is important that the associated approval processes can also be mapped and easily tracked. This brings convenience, flexibility and a degree of freedom without neglecting operational security. The integration of the business departments can relieve the IT administrator and turn background processing into an end-to-end process integrated into the organization.
SICK SAP Installation Check
Maintaining the availability of critical business processes not only requires a high-quality infrastructure, but also places equally high demands on the management and operation of the underlying SAP NetWeaver and SAP HANA platforms due to their high complexity. These platforms are often referred to as SAP Basis.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" simplifies tasks in the area of the SAP basis and complements missing functions of the standard.
If you want to get more information about SAP basis, visit the website "www.sap-corner.de".
In terms of the SAP basis, the Outside-In process plays an essential role in generating ideas within the framework of the Open Innovation approach.