Background processing
Deleting table change logs
Since a role concept is usually subject to periodic changes and updates, e.g. because new functions or modules are introduced or new organisational values are added, role names should be designed in such a way that they can be expanded. Therefore, in the next step, define the useful criteria you need in your role name.
Two equal permissions that meet the first maintenance status condition are also combined when all the values of the two permissions differ in one field or when a permission with all its fields is included in the other. However, if there are open permission fields in a permission, they will not be combined unless all permission fields in the permission values are the same.
User Information System SUIM
If the proliferation has occurred because the authorization concept was not adhered to, a cleanup is sufficient. If the proliferation has arisen because there are errors and gaps in the authorization concept, these errors must be identified, eliminated and the authorizations optimized. If the concept can no longer be implemented in a meaningful way, or if it has already been set up incorrectly, it will be necessary to create a new one.
If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.
The website "" offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.
This accumulation is bound to result in users being able to perform more actions than you would like as the permission administrator.