SAP Authorizations Define a user group as mandatory field in the user root - SAP Stuff

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Define a user group as mandatory field in the user root
Restrict Application Server Login
As long as the corresponding tests in both the development and the quality system are not completed, the SAP_NEW profile will be assigned to the testers in addition to their previous roles. This ensures that the transactions can be traversed without errors of authorisation. Parallel enabled permissions (ST01 or STAUTHTRACE transactions) can be used to identify the required permissions and assign them to the user through the appropriate roles.

Protect your system from unauthorised calls to RFC function blocks from the S_RFC authorization object by obtaining the necessary permissions using the statistical usage data. In many organisations, the primary focus in the permission environment is on protecting dialogue access. For each required transaction, you decide in detail which groups of people are allowed access. It is often overlooked that the critical S_RFC privilege object requires an analogue permission assignment. If the RFC (Remote Function Call) external access permissions are unneatly defined and assigned to the users, the S_TCODE authorization object quickly bypasses the primary protection for bootable applications.
Lack of definition of an internal control system (ICS)
SAP_NEW represents a specific permission profile that summarises the concrete permission changes between two SAP release levels. A distinction should be made between SAP's delivery of the SAP_NEW profile and the generation of an SAP_NEW role with a corresponding profile by you as a SAP customer (see also the SAP hint 1711620). Depending on the authorisation tracking procedure, the SAP_NEW permission can be assigned to any user in a development and quality assurance system immediately after the technical system upgrade. However, the goal is to assign to each user in the production environment only permissions that they need for their business operations. In the context of upgrades, the correct permissions must be determined and integrated into the corresponding permission roles.

If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.

At "" you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.

After that, you can activate the new functionality in Customising via this path: Finance (new) > Basic Financial Settings (new) > Permissions > Enable Profit Centre Permissions Check.

SAP Stuff
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