Query the Data from an HCM Personnel Root Record
The authorization check for the authorization objects PS_RMPSORG and PS_RMPSOEH runs as follows following a user entry: The system determines the organizational unit to which the user is assigned. Starting from this organizational unit, the system creates a list of all organizational units that are superior to the organizational unit determined in the first step in the hierarchy. The system determines the set (M1) of all organizational objects that are assigned to these organizational units. The system determines the organizational unit to which the object to be processed is assigned (corresponds to the lead organizational unit in the attributes of the object to be processed). Starting from this lead organizational unit, the system creates a list of all organizational units that are superior to the determined organizational unit within the hierarchy. The system determines the set (M2) of all organizational objects assigned to these organizational units. The system forms the intersection (from M1 and M2) of the matching organizational objects of the user and the object to be processed. The system determines the organizational levels that match for the user and the object being processed. Once a matching organizational level is found, the system performs the authorization check for the other fields of the authorization object (e.g., type of object or activity); if the system cannot determine a common organizational level, processing is rejected. If the user is allowed to perform the requested activity, processing is allowed; otherwise, the system rejects processing.
Object Privileges: Object Privileges are SQL permissions that control access to and modification of database objects (as a whole). The type of object (table, view, procedure) determines which database operations can be authorised. Database operations include SELECT, UPDATE, ALTER, DROP, and DEBUG.
Data ownership concept
In an SAP® system, authorizations are not the only focus of the auditor. Essential system parameters are also part of the audit. For this reason, it should also be ensured in advance that all parameters are set up in accordance with the company's specifications. The parameters concerned are all those that ensure system and client security. Among other things, it must be ensured that the production system is protected against any kind of changes and therefore no direct development is possible.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page "www.sap-corner.de".
Role changes are only customised! You will get a list that shows all the roles you need to edit.