Schedule PFUD transaction on a regular basis
Critical authorizations
For an authorization concept, a clear goal must be defined that is to be achieved with the help of the concept. This should list which regulatory requirements the respective system and the associated authorization concept must take into account. In this way, the legal framework is defined, which is a legal necessity for successful implementation.
The use of suggestion values not only brings advantages when creating or maintaining PFCG roles, but also when maintaining permissions as a rework of an upgrade. Furthermore, these values can be used as a basis for risk definitions. Before creating PFCG roles, it is useful to maintain the suggested values for the transactions used. However, you do not need to completely revise all of the suggested values that are delivered by SAP.
Which challenges cannot be solved with authorization tools alone?
In order for these FIORI apps/tiles and groups to be displayed, the corresponding authorizations must be made on the basis of a group and catalog assignment. These are assigned via specific groups, which in addition to the normal authorizations (such as create, change, display cost centers) also assign access to the appropriate FIORI Apps.
The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website "".
After the hint has been inserted, the transaction SU10 will be expanded to include the login data button.