Use AGS Security Services
Configure Security Audit Log
First and foremost, legal principles must be stated and specific reference must be made to authorizations that are critical to the law and that may not be assigned (or at most may be assigned to emergency users). An example is the authorization "Debugging with Replace", to which the object S_DEVELOP with the values ACTVT = 02 and OBJTYPE = DEBUG legitimizes and over which data can be manipulated by main memory change. However, this would violate § 239 of the German Commercial Code, the so-called "erasure prohibition".
SAP customers do not maintain suggested values in this transaction. However, there are cases where data in the SU22 transaction is maintained in a customer environment. If TADIR services or external services are developed by the customer or partner, these services are not available by default in the SU22 transaction or the SU24 transaction. For these services, the header data must first be written to the USOBHASH table, which serves as the basis for maintaining the services. These entries in the USOBHASH table are generated automatically when running TADIR services. Read Tip 41, "Add external services from SAP CRM to the proposal values", for dealing with external services. Once the data in this table is available, you have the option to maintain the proposed values.
Far more damage, however, can be caused by too extensive authorizations. For example, an employee may be authorized to access data for which he or she is not authorized. In the worst case, criminal activity can cause economic damage. To prevent this, an authorization concept must be in place that describes how authorizations are to be created and assigned to users.
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
The website "" offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.
You must first create corresponding check variants and authorization values for critical authorizations or combinations either using the program itself or transaction SU_VCUSRVARCOM_CHAN.