Minimise modifications and customisation
Realisable value creation plan
The plan went up: Salt Solutions provided Schmersal with an employee who, together with the IT team on site in Wuppertal, took over part of the tasks of AMS and support for SAP. The result was a significant relief for the Schmersal IT team in day-to-day business. The transition to the support team of Salt Solutions in Würzburg was launched parallel to the rollout in China.
Each request to the service is catalogued by a ticket system and then processed. This helps to identify specific problems in the application of the systems more quickly and can be systematically fixed or improved.
Customise your experience to your needs: More innovation thanks to experts with practical experience, overcoming strategic challenges for the company transformation, intensive support tailored to your individual requirements
SAP Support supports all types of dependencies, whether on-premise, cloud or hybrid. The requirements of our customers are constantly changing - especially with regard to the end-to-end support experience. We recognised this early on and reinvented SAP Support. As already stated: With this "next-generation support" we are enabling our customers to gain greater access to our knowledge pool via self-services. Customers can ask their questions with us in real time, in direct interaction with our support experts. We also work to integrate support into our solutions. And to shorten the time from question to answer using artificial intelligence and machine learning.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and faster to complete many SAP support tasks.
In addition to everyday business, an important aspect of this is not to neglect further training to process and module know-how.