SAP system copy Synonym(s): SAP System Refresh, SAP System Copy, SAP Client Copy, SAP Client Copy, Landscape Copy, Landscape Copy - SAP Stuff

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Synonym(s): SAP System Refresh, SAP System Copy, SAP Client Copy, SAP Client Copy, Landscape Copy, Landscape Copy
On-premises: all involved source/target systems in the company's own data centers
There are various ways to tame this time robber and reduce run times. For example, through parallelization or the automatic generation of secondary indices.

A major risk to the availability of the entire SAP environment arises when system copies are not transferred to the QA system for reasons of time and resources. Development and test work then takes place on a QA system that does not correspond to the production system. The disruption of the production system - sooner or later - is then already pre-programmed.
Verification of source system status and infrastructure - analysis of software versions, database disk layout, system status, etc.
The guideline that integrated job logic is preferable to customizing has also proven its worth. The key point here is that each step of a copy job knows the overall context, including the steps that preceded and follow it.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that simplifies the SAP system copy and offers additional possibilities.

For the Unicode conversion of a 4.5 TB system (2.7 TB data) a downtime of 16 hours was achieved (including the follow-up work such as reconfiguration, updating DB statistics, generating reports, creating backups, testing the system).

SAP Stuff
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