The Refresh
Copy only specific data
In advanced SAP systems, there are also methods such as system cloning, which allows an exact copy of a production system to be created and used as a test system. These methods save time and effort in creating system copies and allow companies to make their IT processes faster and more efficient.
Until now, there has been no functional tool for System i to automate and optimize this task. The enormous resource requirements that arise during a refresh of the SAP QA system really cry out for an optimizing software tool. System Copy from Libelle (LSC) reduces the effort required for these work steps. Although a one-time effort is still required, the system landscape is examined so well that the system copy and any subsequent ones are performed literally at the push of a button. The work that is automated by LSC is in the preparation and post-processing of the files as well as the actual system copy.
Performing SAP system copies automatically
If the data stocks become obsolete, they can be updated by another system copy. From a technical point of view, such a refresh corresponds to the initial setup, including the associated costs as well as the load on the productive systems and manual rework. In addition, a refresh also interrupts all processes on the target system. If it is a development system, all newer development objects must be saved and transported back in after the copy. The version history is lost in the process.
Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to make a required SAP system copy easier and faster.
The advantages here are: After the initial setup, data is already available, and users receive a completely identical test environment.